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4Analysis of modal flow

Analytical product: car front door

Summary of analysis content: Predict and evaluate the position and appearance of hot nozzle glue before mold opening.

Product materials:PP

Analyze the total junction

1. Filling time: 6.356S。
2, the V/P switching pressure: 36.54MPa, the maximum injection pressure of 90.10MPa, the filling pressure is too large.
3, the maximum clamping force: 988.2TON, please confirm whether it is within your company's requirements.
4、Since the actual molding machine is generally not as precise as the injection molding machine simulated by the software, and the actual molding equipment and the parameters used are not completely one-to-one, the mold flow analysis shows only the trend in the molding process, and some data may not be exactly the same. Therefore, this mode flow analysis report is for customers' reference only.

Fill time motion picture play

Fill the pressure motion picture